Month: October 2020

  • What Does Such a Moment Ask?

    What Does Such a Moment Ask? What does such a moment  ask of us? Kindness―maybe― but not the kind that cowers  in a corner and will not articulate  the jarring, rage-inducing,  healing, liberating truth. Love―maybe― but not the kind that circles  wagons, covers up injustice and provides protection for abusers to continue their abuse. Humanity―maybe―…

  • Women, I Would Like to Call Forth

    Women, I Would Like to Call Forth Women,  I would like to call forth your holy anger. Let it rattle the sidings  of your churches―the ones  that keep telling you to serve, but do not serve you well. Let it be no longer  held constrained within your bones in bonds unspoken, swept  beneath the doormat…

  • How Far We Were

    How Far We Were I did not know      how far we were          from one another til 2020 blasted into light     the light years that had always          been between us, like a looking glass      intent on showing         wrinkled scars  where we expected to      see youth.          Sometimes  I wish I did not know     how much we do…