Keeping with the theme of the recent Christian celebration of Pentecost and the Holy Spirit, juxtaposed with this reality we find ourselves in:
Poker, Prodder Holy Spirit, poker, prodder, discomforter of unjust horror-filled structures and disquieter of all who profit from them, table-turner of the wrongly weighted scales that weigh color and find darkness wanting, Holy Spirit, hover in our chaos, bring state-sanctioned violence done in darkness into holy light, reveal realities our social training tries to obfuscate and does not give up easily, Holy Spirit, help us not to settle for cheap frauds that wear peace as a front and pull us back into old orders, twisted, sunken orders, schemes of whiteness dealing death and tears under the name of unity, Holy Spirit, come and move, not just our chaos into order but our death to life, the way you do, and if we cannot see that this is what we need, please come and help us look more closely.