Tag: America

  • Super chill book review: Atlas of the Heart (Brene Brown)

    Given how long it took to get a copy—that is, one of 114 copies—of Brené Brown’s Atlas of the Heart (Random House 2021) from the local library system, I’m going to venture a guess that rather a lot of people are reading it or have read it recently.  (Also, it’s a TV series? I haven’t…

  • Gutsy faithfulness in a world where money fails (reflections on Luke 16:1-13)

    I’ve got another church eblast reflection for you all – unabridged (read: slightly longer) version!  This one’s on Luke 16:1-13: 16:1 Then Jesus said to the disciples, “There was a rich man who had a manager, and charges were brought to him that this man was squandering his property. 16:2 So he summoned him and…

  • Super chill book review: Sand Talk (Tyson Yunkaporta)

    I read Tyson Yunkaporta’s Sand Talk: How Indigenous Thinking Can Save the World (HarperOne, 2020) a couple months ago in the midst of a several-days-long cat crisis. (Kitty is doing well now, thank you). So I may have been a bit distracted. So maybe take everything I say with an extra large grain of salt.…

  • Super chill book review part 2: Jesus and John Wayne (Kristin Kobes Du Mez)

    Back with part 2 of a super chill book review for Kristin Kobes Du Mez’s Jesus and John Wayne. (Part 1 is chillin over here.) A few more thoughts and quotes: 5. I appreciated Du Mez’s reflections on the blurring between the evangelical mainstream and (extra-conservative extra-patriarchal) margins. This quote made sense to me, and…

  • Super chill book review part 1: Jesus and John Wayne (Kristin Kobes Du Mez)

    Well, this is looking to be another two-part super chill book review…  (Some might ask, does it still count as “super chill” once it gets to be this long? To which I would say, the chill factor isn’t about length so much as style—these aren’t really book reviews so much as just collections of quotes…

  • New post at Feminism & Religion

    Just got done with a Zoom book discussion of Kyla Schuller’s The Trouble with White Women: A Counterhistory of Feminism. What a book. Definitely “super chill book review” material, so keep on the lookout for that sometime soon-ish. (And spoiler alert: as a white woman, I didn’t feel nearly as offended as the title might…

  • Fourth grade child, crucified

    Processing the grief and horror of the school shooting in Uvalde, TX with a poem. God, have mercy. Fourth Grade Child, Crucified Fourth grade child on the cross, you did not choose this. There is nothing in you nor your family, friends, or schoolmates that deserved this. All forever changed without consent. Where was Christ…

  • Super chill book review part 2: All the White Friends I Couldn’t Keep (Andre Henry)

    As promised—and eagerly awaited, I’m sure!—this is the second part of a super chill book review of Andre Henry’s All the White Friends I Couldn’t Keep. (The first part is chillin over here if you didn’t catch it before.)  Here are a few more quotes and thoughts. 4) On the language of “can’t”: “That was…

  • Public property, 73%, centering, and quickening: four brief thoughts on abortion

    You may not be surprised to hear that, over the last few days—like much of the U.S.—I’ve been thinking about abortion. Sometimes I see people—mostly Christians—say that they feel like they “need” to weigh in. I don’t really feel that need.  Part of it is that I generally don’t feel the need to weigh in…

  • Super chill book review: Becoming Rooted (Randy Woodley)

    I recently read Randy Woodley’s Becoming Rooted: One Hundred Days of Reconnecting with Sacred Earth (Broadleaf Books, 2022). (First super chill book review for a book that was published in 2022—woohoo!) I’ll confess I did not take the full one hundred days to read it. But I still like how the book is broken up:…