Reflections from a Lenten porch sit practice
For Lent this year I thought I’d add a daily practice of sitting on our back porch for ten minutes, doing nothing. I didn’t actually end up doing this every day. Maybe about half the days total. But hey, twenty-ish days of porch sits are better than no days of porch sits, right? I don’t…
God enrobes the wildflowers
(28) And about clothing, why are y’all worried? Learn thoroughly from the wildflowers of the field, how they grow; they do not labor nor spin. (29) But I say to y’all that not even Solomon in all his glory was clothed like one of these ones. (30) And if God so enrobes the grass of…
God is Calling Her Children
God is Calling Her Children God is calling her children to the garden, to walk through wildflowers in the place where life grows slowly and unveils itself in its own time, to let soil slip through fingers in the place where we do not need to be trailblazers, conquerors and colonizers, chairpeople and board members, but,…
Light pink roses
We have one more kind of rose that I haven’t posted pictures of yet, and I don’t want it to feel left out. There are four identical plants (if the colors look different, it’s just different sunlight). A couple weeks ago I felt like I was spending a lot of time deadheading them, so one…
Shrub Roses
While I’ve been doing blackspot battle on several of our more traditional-looking rose plants, these lovely shrub roses snuck up on me and started going wild with gorgeous bright pink blooms. Insert lesson about resilience here if you like, or about some of the most beautiful things in life being pure gift and out of…
Some recent rose pictures from our garden – because I’ve been enjoying them and hope you do too, because beautiful things are worth sharing, and because sometimes our souls need reminders that there is beauty in this chaotic world.