Our insecurities and Jesus’ temptations
Hi friends, Prompted by church and church small group in the last week or so, I’ve been thinking about the temptations of Jesus, as recorded in Matthew 4:1-11. I explored one angle on these temptations last year, over at Feminism and Religion, in a piece called The Gendered Temptation of Jesus (based on Luke’s version…
A blessing for the unproductive times
Hi friends, I’m slowly rebuilding rhythms of work and rest this week, after taking a couple weeks off from most things due to COVID. I’ve also been reflecting on the ickiness of the feeling of being so unproductive during that time. I mean, I was very productive in terms of watching reality TV, but…not so…
Post-evangelical prayers
Hi friends, After a bit of a partial hiatus, I’ve gotten back in a rhythm of posting a (brief) new prayer 2-3 times/week at my @postevangelicalprayers Instagram account. My hope in these prayers is to explore – for myself and for anyone else who might resonate – what prayer looks like post-evangelicalism. For me, there…
Epiphany prayer
I wrote a prayer based on what I’ve heard six different elders share at church these last couple Sundays. Thought I’d share it here too. The prompt was something like this: What epiphany have you had recently (that is, what do you feel like God has revealed to you), and what are you doing with…
Magi, Wisdom, People Younger Than Me
Note: This week and next week I have the privilege of sharing some scripture and life reflections with my church community via our weekly newsletter. I’ve been asked to reflect on the theme of epiphany – what do I feel like God is revealing to me, and what do I do with that? I wanted…
Totally biased fave reads of 2022 (nonfiction)
Happy 2023, friends. Last week I spent a little time reflecting on some of my personal favorite fiction books from 2022. Now it’s nonfiction o’clock. Same caveats as last week: I make no claims to know what the “best books of 2022” were. I’m just here to share what I read and liked in the…
Totally biased fave reads of 2022 (fiction)
Hi friends, Well, it’s that time of year. The time when every magazine, newspaper, website, and blogger published their “best x books of 2022” list, like, two months ago. (How do you even know until the year actually ends? What about the books that get published in November and December? Are they destined to be…
Advent prayer: Soul
An Advent poem/prayer on the theme of “soul.” Soul God, I want to live and move out of the depths of my soul. I want to see soul in everyone I meet. I want to be connected with my soul. So many forces have tried to break this connection. Sometimes it feels like they have…
Advent prayer: Release
A poem/prayer, reflecting on the theme “release.” I’ve been reading an indigenous memoir called The Woman Who Watches Over the World, by Linda Hogan. One of the things Hogan says happened when she was in the hospital recovering from a traumatic brain injury was that she asked all the questions that had gone unasked and…
Advent prayer: Favor
A poem/prayer on the theme “favor.” Perhaps a loaded word depending on the church-y circles you may have been in. I’m wrestling with that here, as well as more generally what favor could mean in an unjust world. Favor God, I don’t want the kind of favor where I have more and someone else has…
accountability agency America change church community conflict earth care evangelicalism friendship garden gender & feminism grief Holy Spirit Jesus justice LGBTQ+ power & authority prayer race & anti-racist work rest violence